
API Errors

While Inbenta does its best to provide a fluid user experience, we cannot completely eliminate the risk that errors might occur. There are two kinds of errors that you might encounter: errors from the APIs and errors from the Gateway. This page describes API Errors​​​​​​​.

API Errors

The APIs show the appropriate HTTP status code for every request. See the table below for a list of each error code and its description:

Code Text Description
200 OK Success
304 Not Modified There was no new data to return.
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be completed.
401 Unauthorized Missing or incorrect authentication credentials.
403 Forbidden The request was understood but was rejected, or access was not allowed.
404 Not Found The requested URL is invalid, or the requested resource does not exist.
406 Not Acceptable The request contained invalid format.
410 Gone This resource is gone. This indicates that an API endpoint has been turned off.
422 Unprocessable Entity The server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions.
429 Too Many Request
The maximum number of request per minute has been exceeded. 
The maximum number of request per hour has been exceeded.
500 Internal Server Error There is a problem with the server. Please contact us.
502 Bad Gateway Inbenta servers are down or being upgraded.
504 Gateway timeout Inbenta servers are up, but the request could not be serviced due to a failure within our stack. Please try again later.
Error Messages

The Inbenta API returns error messages in JSON format.


  "error" :
        "code" : 400,
        "message": "Secret token not valid"