
SDK Configuration

Chat SDK build options

The following sections describe all the configuration parameters that are available for the Chat SDK, their default values and possible options. You can set the configuration in the second parameter of the SDK build method.

The settings are ordered alphabetically.

Important information

*: Mandatory parameter.

example1|example2: The parameter must have one of this values.

example:String : The parameter is String type.


You can modify the Chat app content attribute that the Chat uses to display answers.

  • answerAttributes String : Settings used to generate normal messages.
  • sideBubbleAttributes String : Settings used to generate normal messages.
  • maxOptionsNumber : to set the maximum number of contents that the Chat app can display(default 3).
  • skipLastCheckQuestion Boolean : parameter to disable the feature that automatically show the last intent after a 1 by 1 question. It is set to false by default.
  • maxRelatedContents Number: Maximum related contents to display when applicable (default 3).

If this answerAttributes or SideBubbleAttributes settings are not defined, the api will assume the default values:

"ANSWER_TEXT" for answerAttributes and "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT" for sideBubbleAttributes


config = {
      answerAttributes: ['ANSWER_TEXT'],
      sideBubbleAttributes: ['SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT'],
      maxRelatedContents: 3,


These are the default values. If you need to set different dynamic settings, send an object with the new dynamic settings:

config = {
      answerAttributes: ['ExampleAnswer'],
      sideBubbleAttributes: ['ExampleSidebubble'],
      maxRelatedContents: 2,

The result looks like this:

The input field shows an "Enter" button when you focus on it to type an input:



The "enter" button might appear offscreen on iOS devices due to the default behavior of the operating system. This is not a bug. If this happens, scroll down or to the side to find the button.

Answer delay

You can set a delay duration when the Chat app displays an answer in both conversationWindow and sideWindow. When a Chat answer is made of multiple messages, these messages are shown at the same time by default. You can change this behaviour so that the messages appear one by one after a specified delay. If the answer also contains a sideWindow, this sidewindow opens after the last message in conversationWindow is shown.

  • delayOnAnswer (Number) : Number of milliseconds of delay (default: 700).
  • delayOnMultipleAnswers (Boolean) : Parameter to enable (true) or disable (false) the delay in each of the messages when the Chat answer contains multiple messages (default: false).

This delay does not apply when the side window appears after you click the "show more" buttons.

config = {
    delayOnAnswer: 500,
    delayOnMultipleAnswers: true


This setting defines if the sideWindow must be opened automatically when a content with sideWindowInformation is displayed as a ChatMessage. The default value is true, if it's set to false, the sideWindow won't be displayed unless the user clicks on the more info button.

config = {
    autoDisplaySideWindow: true


This setting displays an avatar in the conversationWindow.


Avatars only show on devices with screens larger than 768px.

To use an avatar in the Chat SDK, edit the following parameters in the build:

  • displayImage: String: If you enter a URL in the displayImage attribute, the avatar videos are not displayed. An image is displayed instead. The recommended minimum size for this image is 250x380.
  • displayPosition:* "top"|"default": This setting defines the position of the avatar in the Chat SDK. By default, if the setting is not defined, or if you use any other value than "top", the avatar is displayed to the left of the conversation window. The recommended view when using the "default" display position is "PA Camera".
  • name String : This setting defines a name for the Chat app. In the sample images, it is 'InbentaSDK'. This parameter is empty by default.
  • shouldUse* Boolean : Use this setting to allow the avatar to display. When it is set to true, it starts to render the avatar videos when the conversationWindow opens.
  • videosWithSound Boolean : Setting this parameter to true, will allow the avatar to play the sound of the videos given in the configuration. Default parameter: false
  • fallbackImage String : Image to be shown for incompatible browsers.


If you use "top", the avatar is displayed to the top of the conversation window. The recommended views for the "top" displayPosition are PC, PMC and PM.



config = {
  avatar : {
    name : '',
    displayImage:'<example_url>', // If you enter a URL in the `displayImage` attribute, the avatar videos are not displayed. An image is displayed instead. The recommended minimum size for this image is 250x380.
    shouldUse : true, // only set to true if you have avatar videos or image to show
    videosWithSound : false,
    videos : {
       // video link played when avatar appears for the first time
       enter : [],
       // video link played when avatar is leaving
       exit  : [],
       // video link played when avatar is waiting a user action
       idle : [],
    // Image to be shown for incompatible browsers
    fallbackImage : ''

Chat identifier

This configuration identifies each of the different Chat SDKs that may exist in a given subdomain. It is recommended to use a unique identifier (which can be anything you want): This way, if a user goes from a Chat in a subdomain to another Chat in another subdomain, the configurations and the conversation history will remain unique for each Chat.

If none is defined, it uses InbentaBot by default.


Inbenta recommends that you set unique identifiers if you use several Chats across your domain and subdomains (See example below).

Example Suppose you have two different Chats in different parts of your website. One integration in the main page, and another, with different configurations and adapters, in your support page. If you define a different chatbotId for each one, users can start new conversations with either Chat and both will work properly with their respective configuration. However, if both Chats use the same default chatbotId, this can cause problems and the configurations (and conversations) may become mixed up.

config = {
config = {

Show activity on delay

This configuration defines whether the Chat SDK shows activity (three blinking dots) if the request takes longer than the defined value. The default value is 0, which means the SDK does not show activity. The value is defined in milliseconds.

config = {
    showActivityOnDelay: 2000

In the example above, Chat only shows the activity when the request takes more than two seconds to complete.


Show Close button

By default, the conversationWindow hides the "close conversation" button if no HTML was modified. To display this button, set the following configuration to true(default is false):

config = {

When you click the button, a modal systemMessage appears to request a confirmation. If you confirm that you want to leave the conversation, it triggers a resetSession action that resets the conversation and closes the conversationWindow.


conversationWindow position

By default, the initial position of the conversation window is in the bottom-right corner of the page and the draggable property is set to true, which means the window can be moved around on the screen. You can change the properties with the following parameter:

config = {
  conversationWindow: {
    draggable: true,
    position: {
      top: null,
      left: null,
      bottom: 15,
      right: 15,

The values above are the default values. Change any or all of the four position attributes to your preferred values to place the window accordingly. If you want to disable the feature that allows to drag the window across the screen, set the draggable property to false.

Custom HTML

You can use the following configuration to modify the HTML in some components. Here is an example of a custom icon created in conversation-window-header.

    config.html = {
            '<div class="inbenta-bot__chat__header">'
                +'<div class="header__title">'
                    +'<img src="custom_icon" style=" width: 30px; margin: 0; margin-right: 15px">'
                    +'SDK Demo'
                +'<conversation-window-header-buttons />'

custom conversation-window

The configuration parameter htmlType allows you to set the Custom HTML type. There are 2 different types:

  • components: This is the default value and it allows you to add internal SDK components in the Custom HTML section.
  • html-only: This type only allows you to add your own HTML code.

For more information regarding the custom html, please visit the following section: Main section: custom-html


This is the working environment of the Chat SDK. It is set by default to the production environment.

  • production (default): This environment logs the data for the reports displayed in Inbenta Dashboard screens when the Production environment setting is selected in the Chat instance. It also retrieves intents and folders published to Production.
  • preproduction: This environment logs the data for reports displayed in Inbenta Dashboard screens when the Preproduction environment setting is selected in the Chat instance. It also retrieves the intents and folders published to Production.
  • development: This environment logs the data for the reports displayed in Inbenta Dashboard screens when the Development environment setting is selected in the Chat instance. It also retrieves the intents and folders published to Test.

For an overview of what each environment represents in terms of the Chat SDK environment, the Dashboards environment and the Knowledge Base Version, please consult the table below:

Chat SDK environment Dashboards environment Knowledge Base Version Purpose
Production Production Production To consult data from real user interactions
Preproduction Preproduction Production To use for internal tests using the Production Knowledge Base, separating the resulting logs from the ones reflecting real user interactions
Development Development Test To use for preliminary tests using the Test Knowledge Base
config = {

Variable values initialization

This parameter allows you to set different variable values upon starting the conversation.

With this configuration you can set multiple values at once as an array, and specify the name and the value for each variable you want to set.

config = {
  variables: [
       * Name of the variable to which a value is added. This must be an existing variable from the instance.
       * Example: "color"
      name: string,

       * Value or array of values to capture in the variable. The value cannot be an empty string.
       * Example: "blue"
      value: string|array



The parameter forms in this section is deprecated - DO NOT USE. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.

If your content contains a form, it starts asking the questions in the form automatically. You can modify this setting.

You can also set how many errors the user is allowed to make while they fill in the form before it triggers an "exit form" action and displays a message asking the user if they want to continue with the form or not.

These are the default values:

  • errorRetries: Number : this defines the number of tries the user has to complete a question before the system asks to leave the form.
  • allowUserToAbandonForm: Boolean : if it is set to false, this will not let the user exit the form until all questions are completed.
forms: {
    errorRetries: 6,
    allowUserToAbandonForm: true

Show character counter

When the inputCharacterCounter setting is active, a character counter appears next to the Chat input field. This counter displays how many remaining characters are left for the user.

The inputCharacterCounterMax setting allows you to set a maximum number of characters. The default and maximum values are 256.

By default, the character counter is not visible.

config = {




Components have default labels, but it is possible to change them. Here is a list of available labels:

config = {
  labels: {
      en: {
        'yes' : 'Yes',
        'no' : 'No',
        'generic-error-message' : 'The format of your answer is not valid',
        'enter-question' : 'Enter your question',
        'interface-title' : 'Interface title',
        'guest-name' : 'You',
        'see-more' : 'More info',
        'help-question' : 'Do you need help?',
        'thanks' : 'Thanks!',
        'rate-content' : 'Was this answer helpful?',
        'form-message' : 'Please tell us why',
        'submit' : 'Submit',
        'alert-title' : 'OOOOPS...!',
        'alert-message' : 'Something went wrong, please click the button to reload.',
        'alert-button' : 'Try again',
        'agent-joined' : '{agentName} has joined the chat',
        'agent-left' : '{agentName} has left the chat',
        'wait-for-agent' : 'Waiting for an agent...',
        'no-agents' : 'No agent available',
        'close-chat' : 'Do you want to close this chat?<p><div class="confirmation-box__subtitle">You will lose the entire conversation.</p></div>',
        'close-agent' : 'Do you want to leave the conversation with this agent?',
        'chat-closed' : 'Chat closed',
        'chat-ticket' : '{ticketId}',
        'download' : 'Download',
        'escalate-chat' : 'Do you want to start a chat with a human agent?',
        'agent-typing': '{agentName} is typing',
        'agents-typing': '{agentName} and {agentName2}  are typing',
        'several-typing': 'Several people are typing',
        'choose-option': 'Choose an option',
        'selected-option': 'You have selected {variableLabel}',
        'related-content-title': 'You might also be interested in:',
        'created-ticket': 'Your ticket ID {ticketId} has been successfully created.',
        'failed-created-ticket': 'Could not create a ticket.',
        'search-options': 'Search options',
        'connection-lost': 'Connection lost',
        'connection-restored': 'Connection restored',
        'stay-in-queue': 'Do you want to keep waiting for an agent?',
        'outside-working-hours': 'We apologize for the inconvenience, but our agents are currently unavailable as it is outside of our working hours. Please try again later or leave us a message.',
        'references': 'Answer references',
        'answer-generated-based-on': 'This answer was automatically generated based on the following contents:',
        'learn-more-answer-context': 'Want to know more? Click the link below.',
        'read-more': 'Read the full content here.',
        'read-less': 'Read less',
        'back': 'Back',
        'answer-references': 'Answer References',
        'see-more-ai-answer': 'For answer references, click here.',
        'hide-ai-answer': 'Hide answer references'

To change the text of labels, you can send an object with new labels. This function updates only the defined labels, and keeps the others unchanged.

config = {
    labels: {
      en: {
          'interface-title': 'New demo title'

Labels are available in multiple languages (see list below). For reference, click here to view all the labels in all languages.


This is the language that the Chat uses for labels, direct message (e.g. "no results") and multiple options. By default, the language is set to English. The following language are available:

Language Value*
Albanian sq
Arabic ar
Bosnian bs
Bulgarian bg
Catalan ca
Croatian hr
Chinese zh
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
English en
Estonian et
Euskera eu
Finnish fi
French fr
Galician gl
German de
Greek el
Hungarian hu
Icelandic is
Indonesian id
Italian it
Japanese ja
Korean ko
Latvian lv
Lithuanian lt
Macedonian mk
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Serbian sr
Slovak sk
Slovenian sl
Spanish es
Swedish sv
Tagalog tl
Thai th
Turkish tr
Ukrainian uk
Vietnamese vi

Accepted values are represented by ISO 639-1 code:


Launcher text

By default, the launcher only shows an icon. If you want to add text, you need to add the following parameter:

config = {
  launcher: {
    title:"Need Help?"

Proactive welcome

The Chat is configured so that you automatically receive a welcome message when the conversation window opens for the first time. To disable this behaviour, set the parameter to 'false', like this:

config = {
  proactiveWelcome: false,


By default, the rating option only shows in the side window when the Chat app shows content in that side window.

If you need ratings, and there is no attribute in sideBubbleAttributes, you can add a blank attribute to sideBubbleAttributes to display boxes. This displays ratings in the side window.

Use id parameter to set the ID value of the rating, the label it displays and whether it must show a comment field after the user clicks on the rating (this is usually the case for bad ratings).

For each element of the array, an HTML button will be created in the DOM, in the same order of the array. The first button will have the CSS class inbenta-bot-icon--rating-yes. The other elements will have the CSS class inbenta-bot-icon--rating-no.

Important: Ratings must exist in the Chat app (Settings > Ratings), and the ID must be correct. To show ratings, you must define the following object, as there is no default rating.

config = {
    ratingOptions: [
        id: 1,
        label: 'yes',
        comment: false
        id: 2,
        label: 'no',
        comment: true

response configuration: This is optional. If you define a response attribute inside the ratingOption, the Chat displays the response after the user clicks on the rating. If no response was set up, it displays the Thanks label.

translate configuration: This is optional and defaults to false. If you set this parameter to true it will use the value of the label and response parameters as Chat SDK labels. For example, if the response parameter is set to bad-rating and translate is set to true, the Chat will use the value defined for this label in the selected language.

customClass optional configuration. If you define a customClassattribute, this class will be added in the rating button.

Here is an example of a rating configuration that displays responses after a rating is given:

config = {
    ratingOptions: [
        id: 1,
        label: 'yes',
        comment: false,
        response: "Thank you!"
        id: 2,
        label: 'no',
        comment: true,
        response: "bad-rating",
        translate: true,

By default, the ratings appear in the side window, but the position can be modified with the following configurations:

  • ratingPosition "sideWindow"|"conversationWindow"|"mixed" : Default value: sideWindow. Show ratings in specified window.

The following showRatingWithinMessages is deprecated - DO NOT USE. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.

  • showRatingWithinMessages [Boolean] Default value: false. Show rating within each Chat message in the conversationWindow.

You can select one of three positioning options with the ratingPosition parameter.

  • sideWindow (default): the ratings are always shown in the side window. If the shown intent does not have side window, the ratings will not be shown.
  • conversationWindow: the ratings are always shown within each Chat message in the conversation window.
  • mixed: the ratings are shown in the side window. When the intent does not have side window, the ratings are shown within the Chat message in the conversation window

Inbenta recommends that you use ratingPosition parameter instead of showRatingWithinMessages. Never use both parameters at the same time.

config = {
  ratingPosition: 'mixed'

External Rating

Apart from ratings on Chat intents, the SDK also supports external ratings. External ratings are ratings end users give to Federated Bot contents coming from Inbenta Knowledge or Inbenta Search sources.

The external rating attributes work the same way as the rating attributes. In addition, the External Rating option allows for an additional attribute, called isNegative.

The isNegative attribute allows the SYS_TOTAL_NEGATIVE_RATINGS system variable to be incremented when a Knowledge or Search Federated Bot content receives a negative rating. This system variable counts the number of negative ratings in a conversation, allowing you to log all negative ratings, regardless of whether multiple negative ratings occur in one or multiple conversations. Set this attribute to true to track negative ratings for Knowledge or Search Federated Bot contents.

Configure external ratings as follows:

config = {
  federatedBot: [
      sourceId: int, // Federated bot source id as displayed in the <i>Settings > Federated Bot</i> list
      ratingOptions: [
        id: int, // rating ID listed in the source instance's <i>Settings > Ratings</i> screen
        label: string, // the rating name to be displayed to the end user, for example "Yes" or "No"
        comment: bool, // whether the SDK should display a comment field after the user provides a rating 
        response: string, // optional, message to be displayed after an end user provides a rating, for example "Thank you!"
        translate: bool, // optional, default false, indicates whether the `label` and `response` values should be displayed in the language selected by the end user
        customClass: string // optional, CSS class to be added to the rating button
        isNegative: bool // optional, default false, indicates whether the SYS_TOTAL_NEGATIVE_RATINGS system variable should count negative ratings for Search/Knowledge Federated Bot contents 

Note: Search instances do not support ratings by default. To enable your Federated Bot to capture ratings on external Search contents, ensure that the linked Search instance has at least one entry of the CONTENT type in the Settings > Ratings screen. If you create new ratings of the CONTENT type, publish your Search instance to Production for Federated Bot to capture those ratings. Federated Bot cannot capture ratings of the MATCHING type.

HTML Sanitizer

For security reasons, Inbenta escapes several HTML tags. A whitelist of these HTML tags exists. You can modify this list.

The default whitelist is below. If you do not specify sanitizerOptions in the build configuration, the default value applies:

  allowedTags: ['h1','h2','h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'p', 'a', 'ul', 'ol',
        'nl', 'li', 'b', 'i', 'strong', 'em', 's', 'strike', 'code', 'hr', 'br', 'div',
        'table', 'thead', 'caption', 'tbody', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'pre','img', 'figure', 'span', 'mark'],
  allowedAttributes: {
    a: [ 'href', 'name', 'target' ],
    img: [ 'src', 'alt'],
    div: ['id'],
    td: ['colspan', 'rowspan'],
    '*': ['style', 'class'],
    ol: ['start']
  allowedSchemes: [ 'http', 'https', 'ftp', 'mailto' ],
  • allowedTags is the list of HTML tags that you can use.
  • allowedAttributes lists the attributes that you can use in the allowed HTML tags (for example, href in an a tag, or src in an image).
  • HTML classes are blocked by default, but you can add them to the whitelist with the following statement: allowedClasses.
  • allowedSchemes is the list of URL schemes that are allowed (for example in href, src attributes)

Any change you make to the default whitelist is strictly at your own risk. Inbenta does not recommend the addition of additional tag and will not accept any responsibility or liability for any issue caused by changes in the default whitelist.

In the following example, we include an additional HTML tag iframes and a test class in the p HTML tag:

  sanitizerOptions : {
    allowedTags: ['h1','h2','h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'p', 'a', 'ul', 'ol',
      'nl', 'li', 'b', 'i', 'strong', 'em', 'strike', 'code', 'hr', 'br', 'div',
      'table', 'thead', 'caption', 'tbody', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'pre', 'img', 'figure', 
      'span', 'mark', 'iframe'],
    allowedAttributes: {
      a: [ 'href', 'name', 'target' ],
      img: [ 'src', 'alt']
      '*': ['style', 'class'],
      ol: ['start']
    allowedClasses: {
      'p': [ 'test']

Show time in the Answer

You can display the time in the answers. It does not show by default.

config = {
    showDateTime: true,

The answers only show the time. It does not show the date, even if the command is showDateTime.

When an answer has related contents, the Chat shows an introduction text which users can click on to show the related contents. By default, the Chat does not show the related content titles until the user clicks the "expand" button.

You can choose to display these titles automatically under the Chat's answer, without asking users to to expand the module.


When showing the related contents titles automatically expanded, the user can still collapse the module if needed.

The default value is false.

config = {

By default, the related contents module appears within the message in the conversation window, but you can use the following configuration to modify its position:

  • relatedPosition "conversationWindow"|"sideWindow"|"mixed": Default value: conversationWindow. Show the related contents in the specified window.

There are three possible positions with the relatedPosition parameter.

  • conversationWindow (default): always shows the related contents within the Chat message in the conversation window.
  • sideWindow: always shows the related contents in the side window. If the shown intent does not have side window, the related contents module does not appear.
  • mixed: shows the related contents in the side window. When the intent does not have side window, the related contents module appears within the Chat message in the conversation window
config = {
  relatedPosition: 'mixed'

Show loader while fulfilling initial requests

Chat shows a loader in the customConversationWindow until the first message gets a response from the API. The default value is false.

config = {



Main section: Styles

You can change the skin using the skin parameter. There are six skins available:

  • space-cowboy: (default) loads the space-cowboy skin using the space-cowboy.css file.
  • ocean-flow: loads the ocean-flow skin using the ocean-flow.css file.
  • tatooine-sunset: loads the tatooine-sunset skin using the tatooine-sunset.css file.
  • imperial-black: loads the imperial-black skin using the imperial-black.css file.
  • teth-sunrise: loads the teth-sunrise skin using the teth-sunrise.css file.
  • neutral: loads the neutral skin using the neutral.css file.

You can also load the SDK without a skin. To do so, set the skin parameter to false:

  • false: only loads the layout.css file. This loads only layout information, without loading any skin.

If you want to use your own design, Inbenta recommends that you load a skin, then change specific styles using the CSS guide.

config = {
    skin: 'ocean-flow',

Remember that if you modify the structural elements, it will affect how the product is displayed. Inbenta strongly recommends that you leave structural elements unchanged.

If you want to build your own CSS from scratch, you can disable the default skin, which will load the layout.css only:

config = {
    skin: false,


Source identifier (e.g. Facebook, mobile, etc.) used to filter the logs in the Dashboards, the provided info will be attached as a header in the conversation request.

config = {

Target container

The Chat SDK is appended in the first HTML element within the document that matches the specified selector or group of selectors. The default value is Body.

The container can use either HTML id or classes. For more information, see querySelector method

config = {
    targetContainer: '#chatbotContainer'

User type

If you need to set different user types, you must specify which userType the Chat SDK will be using. The default value is 0.

config = {
    userType: 0

The User Types feature for the new Chat editor is deprecated. Chat intents will now always show the default user type. To avoid issues, remove the UserType parameter from your SDK configuration. This feature will still work if you are using the legacy Chat editor.

User info

When enabling this setting, the conversation/ request will add the track of the given user_info. In this example, we will add the browser information of the user.

config = {


You can specify the user timezone using the timezone parameter. The parameter should have a valid TZ database name value (example: Europe/London).

config = {
  timezone: 'Europe/London',


This parameter defines the Inbenta API endpoint where the SDK performs the Auth connection. You can select any available endpoint from the ones defined in Regions and Endpoints.

config = {
  connectionEntryPoint: '',


This configuration allows you to enable, disable and customize the streaming mode of the Chat SDK. When streaming mode is enabled, the Chat will display each response in a sequence of small groups (called chunks) of words, instead of displaying the entire response at once.

This configuration allows the following properties:

  • enabled Boolean: Enables or disables streaming mode for the Chat SDK.
  • charsPerChunk Number: Sets the maximum number of characters displayed in a chunk. If there aren't enough characters to reach the maximum, the remaining characters will be displayed. Defaults to 3 characters per chunk.
  • delayOnChunk Number: Sets the time delay in milliseconds before the next chunk is displayed. Defaults to 50 milliseconds between chunks.

Use the charsPerChunk and delayoOnChunk properties to customize how fast messages appear in the SDK.

config = {
  stream: {
    enabled: true,
    charsPerChunk: 3,
    delayOnChunk: 50


Enable this setting if you want the Chat app to open automatically when a user lands on your web page. If the setting is disabled, users need to click the button to launch the Chat app.

config = {
    openAutomatically: true // boolean, optional. Default: false

Generative AI

This configuration allows you to show a disclaimer with AI-generated messages. It allows the following properties:

  • showDisclaimerButton Boolean: When this property is set to true, a clickable Info icon is displayed with each AI-generated message. You can define this icon's behavior using the onClickAIDisclaimerButton description.
config = {
  generativeAI: {
    showDisclaimerButton: true,
  • context: This property defines whether the Chat app shows additional information about AI-generated responses it provides. With this configuration, you can set multiple values at once as an array. Allowed parameters are:
    • visible: Defines whether the references used to produce AI-generated answers are displayed with the answers. Default value is true.
    • displayInsideWindow: Defines whether the references for AI-generated answers are displayed in the side window. When set to true, each AI-generated message will include a button users can click to view the references it was based on. Default value is false.
    • displayAnswers: When references are displayed, this property defines whether the content of each reference should be fully displayed or not. When this property is set to true, each reference's title, content and URL (if available) is displayed. When this property is set to false (default), reference titles are displayed as links users can click to open the content, and references without URLs or without a title are not displayed at all.
config = {
  generativeAI: {
    context: {
       visible: true,
       displayInSideWindow: true,
       displayAnswers: false,