
Benti Overview

No more long waiting lines and dropped tickets. Inbenta Benti processes your support tickets faster and more efficiently, before they even reach your support agents. And your agents have your Knowledge Base’s powerful content management system at their disposal to solve their clients’ problem swiftly, saving time, resources… and revenue.

Table of Contents

  1. API
    • API Setup - Getting started with the Inbenta Benti API: set up the API, request and retrieve information.
    • API Routes - API endpoints, requests and response formats.
    • API Definitions - API responses schemas.
    • Using IQL - An introduction to the Inbenta Query language.
    • Case history actions - More information on how to view the full history of a case.
    • API Change Log - Benti API version log.
  2. JavaScript SDK


Integrate support ticketing with HyperChat* and your support center staff will have greater flexibility to answer customer questions faster and more accurately. Not only does this cut down on the need for email responses, which are often slower, it will result in better outcomes, which will enhance the overall customer experience. Your agents can quickly access your website knowledge base, and live chat is integrated with Inbenta's powerful analytics management and case management app. This creates a simple agent experience that allows them to convert any conversations to emails seamlessly: No more need to swap tools, applications or screens mid-sentence.

*HyperChat is an optional component of Inbenta Benti. It is not a standalone product.

Table of Contents

  1. API
    • API Setup - Getting started with the HyperChat API: set up the API, opening a session and registering the app.
    • API Routes - API endpoints, requests and response formats.
    • API Definitions - API responses schemas.
    • Webhooks Overview - Explaining Webhooks and how Inbenta HyperChat uses them.
    • Webhooks Events - List of webhook-compatible events wit their description 
    • API Change Log - HyperChat API version log.
  2. JavaScript SDK

If you need help, contact Inbenta Support.