
API Change log


  • No changes

Released 2024.07.23

  • We created a new classification endpoint for the Benti API, that returns classification data based on the classification ID.

Released 2024.05.28

  • The Benti API’s IQL extra property now accepts the source field as a value.

Released 2024.05.14

  • Fixed: When using the IQL parameter to filter tickets in the Messenger API, entering a variable with a hyphen (“-”) would cause a validation error. This is now fixed.

Released 2024.02.20

  • The Post /users endpoint now returns a new field, called hash_uuid, to be used in the new POST tickets/public endpoint.

  • We developed a new endpoint, called GET users/public. Given an email address, the endpoint returns the corresponding name, email address and the hash_uuid value.

  • We developed a new endpoint, called POST tickets/public. This endpoint works like the POST /tickets endpoint, except that it uses the hash_uuid field to identify the creator and solver parameters. This adds an extra secure layer to front-end integrations to prevent external users from guessing auto-incremental integers.

  • As part of a common effort to improve the security and performance of Inbenta products, we upgraded the technology behind the Messenger API.

Released 2024.01.23

  • Fixed: We fixed an error that made the PUT /templates/{{templateId}} endpoint unavailable whenever users used the Auth endpoint with the UPS.

Released 2023.11.14

  • Fixed: The POST /tickets/{ticketId}/subtickets endpoint now returns a 302 exception instead of a 400 exception when some of the input data is invalid.

Released 2023.11.02

  • We added a new “Type” field to the response of the GET /tickets/{$ticketID}/replies endpoint. This field indicates whether the response is an answer (message sent from the solver to the creator) or a reply (message sent from the creator to the solver).

Released 2023.06.13

  • In the Ticket History section of a ticket, users can now see which queue rule has been applied to classify the ticket. You can also use the GET /tickets/{ticketId}/history endpoint to retrieve this new history action.

Released 2023.05.30

  • Fixed: The Messenger API endpoint GET /templates/{templateId}/filled was not working properly with some variables. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed: New users could not use the Messenger API with the UPS (User Personal Secret) token, if they had not logged into a Messenger instance before. This is now fixed.

Released 2023.05.16

  • Fixed: Users could not attach large files to tickets, even when they did not exceed the size limit. This is now fixed and you can attach any file within the size limit.

Released 2023.05.03

  • In some cases, the Messenger API did not allow creating subtickets, even when the necessary permissions were granted. This is now fixed.

  • We improved the Messenger API IQL validations to avoid having non-existent user IDs block the execution of the API call.

Released 2023.03.07

  • We now display a new action in the ticket history endpoint when the status is changed to a substatus.
  • We added the new endpoint POST /setting/apply to the Messenger API, which allows you to use the new extra settings in the POST /tickets endpoint.

Released 2023.01.24

  • We added the 3 new endpoints POST /settings/extra/tickets, POST /settings/extra/users and POST /settings/extra/agents to the Messenger API. They can be used to set extra settings for tickets, users and agents.

Released 2022.08.23

  • We created the new API endpoint POST /webhooks/app. It allows integrators to create Messenger webhooks through the Messenger API.

Released 2022.07.26

  • The GET /tickets endpoint was not working properly when IQL queries were performed using the solver field. Now, it works as expected.
  • The GET /tickets endpoint was not working properly when IQL queries were performed using the solver or creator is empty field. It now works as expected.

Released 2022.06.14

  • The GET /tickets endpoint now returns the ticket creator's email address.

  • We updated the endpoint POST /tickets/{ticketId}/postit to allow the addition of inline post-its.

Released 2022.05.31

  • We created a new endpoint: PUT /tickets/{ticketId}/back-to-inbox. It can be used to move a ticket from the Archive to the Inbox.

  • We updated the endpoint PUT /tickets/{ticketId} to avoid queue changes in archived tickets. If an archived ticket’s queue is changed, the endpoint now returns an error. To change the queue of an archived ticket, you first need to call the PUT /tickets/{ticketId}/back-to-inbox endpoint.

Released 2022.04.20

  • In some cases, POST /replies endpoint was returning a 500 error. It now returns a more specific error.

  • The endpoint GET /settings/work-timetable was sometimes not providing the data as it was stored in Messenger. For example, if you set 00:00-24:00 in a specific timezone, the API response was 00:00-08:00 and 08:00-24:00.

  • When sending an automatic email that was generated by a chatbot because there were no agents available, the chat history did not display messages sent at the same minute and second in the proper order. We fixed this issue and now automatic emails contain the history in the right order.

Released 2022.04.05

  • The endpoint GET /settings/work-timetable is accessible now through a domain key.

Released 2022.03.22

  • When the Ticketing API creates a ticket in Messenger, an automatic email may be sent to the end user to notify the ticket creation. If the automatic email had the variable TICKET_HISTORY_LIST (which retrieves all the user and agent messages), the ticket history was not returned. We fixed this issue, and the ticket history is included in the automatic email.

Released 2022.02.22

  • New Feature: We added the endpoint POST /tickets/{ticket}/forwards that allows to forward an opened ticket.

  • Fixed: When the queue of an archived ticket was changed using the Ticketing API, the ticket was not available in Messenger > Archive anymore. From now on, changing the queue of an archived ticket also moves it back to the Inbox so the ticket is available as expected.

Released 2022.02.08

  • Fixed: The Ticketing API’s createTicket function was sending an email for every message in the email history of a ticket. It is fixed now.

  • We updated the Ticketing API’s GET /settings/extra endpoint so it can be used with a domain key.

Released 2021.10.19

  • It is now possible to add the fields TO/CC/BCC when creating a ticket with the source “email”. They can be added in a new property called source_info in the POST /tickets endpoint.

Released 2021.10.05

  • Added: The new “history” parameter can be passed to the POST /tickets endpoint containing a list of messages that should be added to the ticket on its creation. It can be used to create a ticket containing the previous conversation that the end user had with the Chatbot.

Released 2021.06.29

  • Fixed: The “cursor” pagination type was not working if the “archive” parameter was also provided. In that case, the API failed to retrieve archived tickets with that pagination type.

Released 2021.04.20

  • Fixed: When using a User Personal Secret (UPS) to authenticate API calls, the actions performed will be assigned to the owner of the UPS instead of the system user.

  • Added: A new parameter “type” was added to the GET /rules endpoint to allow filtering by rule type.

Released 2021.03.23

  • Fixed: The “archived_at” parameter in the GET /tickets endpoint was not working correctly because of the dates' format. Now it will use the correct format.

  • Added: Two new endpoints to make surveys' integration into any system easier. These endpoints are: POST /surveys/:id/start and POST /surveys/:id/submit.

Released 2021.02.23

  • Fix: When using the API to create tickets with extra data, tickets were created even if the extra data format was wrong. This has been fixed and, in this case, tickets will only be created if the extra data format is correct.

Released 2021.02.09

  • New Feature: a new parameter “autoclassify” has been added to the endpoint that allows creating tickets (POST /tickets). You can use it to automatically classify the newly created ticket according to the mailbox classification rules defined in the Messenger App.

Released 2021.01.26

  • Fixed: A bug was found, where the POST /tickets/:id/postits did not work properly with a full ticket ID like CASE-00000001. This is now fixed.

Released 2021.01.12

  • Fixed: The surveys' endpoint GET /tickets/:id/surveys returned the correct response but this response was wrapped in an unnecessary array. We removed this extra wrapper.

Released 2020.11.25

  • Feature: The “GET/POST/PUT /users” endpoints now return a new property: “showInAutocompleter”. This property indicates whether to auto-complete the address of a user when agents compose or reply to a ticket.

Released 2020.11.11

  • Fixed: A bug was found with the Messenger API, where it sometimes failed to update tickets depending on the configuration of the instance. This is now fixed.

Released 2020.09.30

  • Fixed: When a user tried to change the solver of a ticket that had no previous solver, it did not work. This is now fixed.

Released 2020.06.10

  • Fixed: The API returned an incorrect number of tickets (less) on some calls. This is now fixed. The problem was caused by a wrong count in the pagination.

Released 2020.05.27

  • Feature: We added three new endpoints:
    • POST /exports
    • GET /exports
    • GET /exports/:id.
    You must use a User Personal Secret (UPS) for all requests to these new endpoints.

Released 2020.04.15

  • Added: We added routes to the CM API to retrieve and modify agents' rights.

Released 2020.04.01

  • Fixed: The pagination was incorrect when requesting the rules through the API endpoint “GET /rules”. This is now fixed.
  • We added a new parameter to the GET /classifications route that allows you to get the inactive classifications.

Released 2020.03.18

  • The “GET /classifications” endpoint now returns the queues associated to each classification.

Released 2020.03.04

  • In the POST /tickets/<ticketId>/postit, the “creator” parameter is now optional. If no creator is specified, the current App user is set as the creator of the post-it.
  • The POST /tickets endpoint now returns a new field full_uuid containing the ticket ID with the instance code (e.g. INSTANCE-00000001).
  • The title and message content fields contain the same information in social media tickets. Until now, only the title field was filled with this information in the GET /tickets/<ticketId> endpoint. Now, both title and message content are filled in the previous endpoint response.
  • We added a new parameter called last_change to the API. This new parameter allows you to filter tickets by the time they were last changed.
  • The API now returns a clearer error message when an extra data content validation fails.
  • We added a new endpoint called DELETE /media/{id} to the Case Management API. This endpoint allows you to delete an attachment using its identifier

Released 2019.10.16

  • We added a new API endpoint called PUT /templates/{templateId}. This endpoint allows you to modify templates.

Released 2019.09.18

  • Fixed: A bug was found where the language detector sometimes did not work when creating tickets through the API in legacy instances that had both KM and CM products in it. This is now fixed. 

Released 2019.09.04

  • We created a new endpoint for the CM API called GET /tickets/<ticketId>/forwards. This endpoint allows you to retrieve tickets that have been forwarded to other agents and also any replies to these forwarded tickets.
  • The GET /tickets/<ticketId>/replies endpoint now returns the "source_info" field containing source-related information (e.g. "cc" and "bcc" information for "mail" source).
  • Going forward, the Case Management App registers the replies to agent forwards in the ticket history.

Released 2019.08.07

  • We added a new API endpoint called GET /settings/metadata. This endpoint allows you to retrieve the metadata of the configured users, agents and tickets (a.k.a extra info).

Released 2019.07.24

  • The POST /tickets-search endpoint now allows you to filter tickets by the date they were archived. Note: This is not retroactive. It only applies to tickets archived from the release of this feature onwards.

Released 2019.07.10

  • A bug was found where automatic emails for the action ASSIGN_TICKET_TO_USER were not working if a ticket was assigned using the API. This is now fixed.

Released 2019.06.26

  •  Fixed: A bug was found where the webhook event was not being sent for “reply&close” ticket action in “external” source tickets. This is now fixed.

Released 2019.06.12

  • You can now retrieve tickets that have a specific classification through the GET /tickets endpoint, using a new "classification" parameter that accepts a comma-separated list of classification IDs.
  • Fixed: A bug was found where tickets with attachments that had badly formatted names threw an error and could not be retrieved from the API. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed: A bug was found in the response format of the timetables, where all work timetable days for the same queue should have been returned in a single object but they were returned in different objects instead. This is now fixed.

Released 2019.05.15

  • All GET /tickets and GET /tickets/<ticketId> calls now return a new "surveys" (yes/no) flag. This flag is to indicate whether or not the end user answered the survey linked to the ticket.
  • You can now edit the language setting of a ticket from the PUT /tickets/<ticketId> endpoint.

Released 2019.04.17

  • The GET /tickets/<ticketId>/history endpoint now also returns ticket forwards (if there are any).
  • Calls to the GET /tickets and GET /tickets/<ticketId> endpoints now return a new "source_info" field. This field contains relevant information about the source of the ticket, e.g. the "to" and "cc" fields for emails. 

Released 2019.03.20

  • When performing a request to update the data of a ticket data (PUT /tickets/:ticketId), the API always returned a successful response even when the field provided in the request payload was not valid. This did not cause any malformation of the data but it could lead to misunderstanding the response. This is now fixed.
  • We enabled the PUT /users/<userId> endpoint to be used with domain key authentication. This allows you to call it from any client-side integration. 
  • We enabled the GET /queues endpoint to be used with domain key authentication, only if it is called with the "name" parameter. This allows an integration to retrieve the information of a queue if you know its name.
  • We created a new /tickets/:ticketId/surveys endpoint to allow integrations to retrieve the user responses to surveys linked to a ticket. 

Released 2019.03.06

  • We created a new /tickets/:ticketId/surveys endpoint to allow integrations to retrieve the user responses to surveys linked to a ticket.

Released 2019.01.23

  • Fixed: Under certain circumstances, when using the API and retrieving a ticket history that contained some inline images, the images had wrong identifiers. All images should now have a correct identifier.
  • When calling /tickets/<id>/replies for a ticket that had a survey answer, an extra message containing some alphanumeric characters was appended to the list of replies. Because this behavior could create confusion, Inbenta corrected it so that this extra message is no longer created.

Released 2018.12.12

  • Added a way to rotate access_token signing key
  • Ticket "last changes" information in API
  • CM API route can now retrieve all the available ticket sources
  • Added IQL querying language documentation 

Released 2018.11.07

  • Fixed: updated one of the library dependencies with a security fix to avoid problems when transitioning to/from Daylight Savings Time.

Released 2018.10.17

  • Fixed: Updating the "extra data" of a ticket when it had not been set previously in Backstage resulted in failure. This is now fixed.

Released 2018.09.05

  • General Performance improvements: Improved the way attachments in tickets are created, loaded and downloaded. This will have a positive effect on the Backstage, specially related to database and overall application speed.

Released 2018.08.22

  • Fixed: The [GET] /classifications endpoint returned an incorrect "breadcrumbs" path. The classifications "tree" should now appear in the correct order.

Released 2018.08.08

  • Fixed: Occasionally the DELETE /queues endpoint was not moving properly all the tickets to another queue. This has been corrected.

Released 2018.07.25

  • Added: A ticket's external_id is returned in all the /tickets endpoints. This id can also be used in GET requests as a filter, to find a ticket by its external_id.

Released 2018.07.11

  • Fixed: Some queries to retrieve tickets from the archive did not work. They do now.
  • Fixed: Minor issues related to sending inline attachments.

Released 2018.06.13

  • Limit access for tokens generated from domain keys. This allows doing client-side (no hosting) integrations, which create tickets without having security issues
  • Add support for inline attachments.
  • Fixed: Make sure the ticket description always returns HTML instead of plain text

Released 2018.05.30

  • Set the ticket creation time as the default value for the last reply time. This allows ordering tickets by last reply having into account the tickets creation date

Released 2018.05.16

  • Fixed: the ticket history endpoint (GET /history) was returning invalid data in some rare cases
  • Added extra parameter validations on [GET] /tickets endpoint to prevent errors

Released 2018.05.02

  • Fixed: minor fixes in response consistency
  • Added new endpoint to retrieve a ticket history ([GET] /tickets/{id}/history)

Released 2018.04.04

  • Fixed: bug that sometimes returned a 500 error instead of a 404 when asking for an non-existent media
  • The language of a ticket will be detected automatically upon creation whenever possible instead of always using the default language